Leviathan list A gamers guide: Leviathans About Me

a gamers guide: Leviathans

a brown bear in its forest habitat. He is thinking about the time his girlfriend broke up with him on his birthday. He is really sad. But, he is a bear.
The blood kelp zone. This is the home to many unique spiecies found nowhere else. It is also the safest entrance to the Lost River, connected to the Lava zone and lakes, hiding the Prizon. Blood oil, spinefish, blighters and a dormant Precurser cache. This was most likely built either before or by a less intelligent branch of Architects as Alan is active, the others are dormant in thier ion cubes.

Biomes With Leviathan Class Liforms in them.

These are biomes in which Leviathans might spawn in:

a brown bear in its forest habitat. He is thinking about the time his girlfriend broke up with him on his birthday. He is really sad. But, he is a bear.

Short intervention: Safe shallows no as safe as you think!

In the "Safe Shallows" is the most annoying threat (well second, those stupid crashfish). Sammy the Saftey Reaper. Residing in the safe shallows, this dude is too much of a wimp to swim out there into a good, scary biome. So he Murders you, your seamoth (or cyclops, or prawn suit.) And the sense of "the safe shallows is safe" vibe. Sammy tinks that too...


a brown bear in its forest habitat. He is thinking about the time his girlfriend broke up with him on his birthday. He is really sad. But, he is     a bear.

A few shoutouts

Thank you Codecadmey for letting me learn the html nessesary to code this. I will also thank Unknown Worlds Entertainment for designing Subnautica, my current favorite game. And Subnautica Wiki, which is always helpfull if I need Subnautica info.